Christian War-Mongering
Posted in : GodArchy Podcast, War on by : Michael Maharrey Tags: Christianity, war
We pray for peace and we revel in war.
We pray for peace and we revel in war.
Why then are we Christians so eager for war? Why do we salute the war banners, stand for the war anthems, and cheer in awe for the war machines?
How do we end America’s endless wars?
William McRaven wants a president who will “make America lead again.” And he tells us in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that Joe Biden will…
Matthew records Jesus saying, “Put your sword back in its place; for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” This is hardly a ringing endorsement for war.
Statism and nationalism are the problems, not the cure. Instead of building an empire (whether in America or the Middle-East), we should be dismantling the empire.
After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to better himself “as a man and a warrior”, the US Army tweeted, “How has serving impacted you?” As of this writing, the post has over 5,300 responses. Most of them are heartbreaking.
The response “The Disciple Who Never Was” was overwhelmingly positive – except for the guy who called me a clown. He said I made Jesus a “fairy-dust tossing pacifist. I thought I would share his comment and my response.