A Fireside Chat With a Muslim: GodArchy Podcast #18
Posted in : GodArchy Podcast on by : Michael Maharrey Tags: Christianity, liberty, Muslim
Can a Muslim and Christian get along on a podcast together?
Can a Muslim and Christian get along on a podcast together?
Identity politics is the order of the day. Could there possibly be a better way to view each other?
After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to better himself “as a man and a warrior”, the US Army tweeted, “How has serving impacted you?” As of this writing, the post has over 5,300 responses. Most of them are heartbreaking.
The response “The Disciple Who Never Was” was overwhelmingly positive – except for the guy who called me a clown. He said I made Jesus a “fairy-dust tossing pacifist. I thought I would share his comment and my response.
You can’t make a disciple of a man you just shot. You can’t make a disciple out of a woman killed by a Hellfire Missile. You can’t make a disciple out of a child who starves to death in the midst of America’s wars.
What if we just ignored the government?
One should never mistake violence for civic virtue. And at its core, politics is violence.
Can a Christian and an atheist find some common ground? Why yes. Yes, we can.
I’m sorry Mr. Hart. I can’t relax about socialism. I just can’t be at ease with a gun pointed in my face.
What is the truth about America’s wars?