Braise in the Usual Manner – Food and Freedom With Dann Reid
Posted in : GodArchy Podcast on by : Michael Maharrey Tags: cooking, food, liberty
After this episode of the GodArchy podcast, you just might be.
This week, I talk with Dann Reid, host of the Culinary Libertarian podcast. We discuss food and cooking and intertwine it with a little bit of liberty. We discuss Dann’s personal journey both as a libertarian and a chef. what we can learn about life from cooking and how the government messes up our food.
Dann says he got his start cooking with a failed attempt at cream puffs. Somehow, he parlayed that disaster into a career as a professional chef. He has worked as both a head chef and baker, and he worked under two master chefs. He’s also penned a cookbook, “Cooking for Comfort: One Pot Meals You Can Make.”
Cooking for Comfort: One Pot Meals You Can Make
Dann’s Twitter: @culinarliberty
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