Who Would Jesus Bomb? GodArchy Podcast #5

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Who Would Jesus Bomb? GodArchy Podcast #5

Posted in : GodArchy Podcast, War on by : Michael Maharrey

Who would Jesus bomb?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say, nobody.  In this episode of the GodArchy podcast, I make the antiwar case from both a Christian and libertarian perspective.

“We pray for peace but we revel in war.” – Steve Hindelong

America has been constantly at war for decades. What have we gotten for it? Death, destruction, broken lives, suicidal vets, starvation, terror, moral decay and trillions of dollars in debt. But we’re no closer to peace.

War is both the health of the secular state and the antithesis of the Kingdom of God. In this episode of the GodArchy podcast, I consider war from both a Christian and libertarian perspective.


War Is the Health of the State – Essay by Randolph Bourne

The War Prayer – Mark Twain

A Farewell to Mars: An Evangelical Pastor’s Journey Toward the Biblical Gospel of Peace

Caesar and the Lamb: Early Christian Attitudes on War and Military Service

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